Your knife will fall out of its sheath, but you still don't like to leave before the end of the movie.
So I went to Minnesota to go canoeing for fifty miles and see some beautiful scenery, etc. I did all that. Here it goes. Some more players for your knowledge.
For all intensive purposes Zach Schmidt is equivalent to Andrew (my brother) basically.
Zac Hinds is a jock/hoss who is a pretty cool dude.
Jacob Yarling is the quiet straight man who can do anything
Jay Yarling is his dad.
Jerry Hinds is a military dude and Zac's dad.
Bill Thomas is a slightly challenged 54 year old who came as Schmidt's partner
Alex Duchak was our interpreter and now is just the coolest dude ever.
Also me and my dad went.
First of all, the entire time, it was beautiful. The weather was great and it was just beyond words how beautiful it was. damn.
Ok Saturday, we drove all the way to 45 minutes outside of Ely which is the outfitter town outside of the Boundary Waters. It's like 800 miles to there.
We watched the matrix, we drank energy drinks and Frappucino, we laughed, we listened to cake. It was an all around good time. Did I mention we had to wake up at 4 in the morning???
Ok, Sunday we stopped in Ely to do some shopping and messing around. I got awesome sunglasses. We had brunch at a cool little cafe. We drove to Northern Tier where we played some voyeuger games and I kicked a little ass. I went into outspoken/group activity mode. Jonah and Thomas have seen it. I'm normally in depressed teenager mode except when I do these kind of things. Summer Camp, Triennium, Youthfest, etc. Well Dad was kind of freaked out cuz he doesn't really ever see it. It was pretty cool to get to show that side around him. So we go and meet Alex and we get all set up for the next week. We shake down all our gear. We get our food. You have three grey whale bags with everyone's sleeping bags, the tents, and your clothes. You have two green bags with green plastic tubs inside them. One for food and one for cooking equipment. That makes five bags, four canoes, and nine people (see the pattern?) and one personal bag for Alex that he keeps seperate. The cabin we stayed in that night was like an oven and it was hard to sleep.
Monday we wake up and do our final pack, eat and get in the water. We had to wait until we got Jerry's seat that broke in his canoe (jerry's not a big guy) fixed and so we got a late start. We canoed 16 miles that day. The portages were slow and hard because we hadn't done it before. (portages are where you go from lake to lake and have to carry all your stuff. I carried a grey whale, so did Jacob and Zach. Zac carried the food box (heaviest.) Bill carried the Kettle box (other green bag.) Dad carried an Aluminum canoe. So did Alex, along with his bag. Jerry and Jay carried the Kevlars. (Kevlars are lighter, faster but more susceptible to wind) I was in an Aluminum most of the week. We got lost near the end of that day but we got to where we wanted to, leaving an easy day for tuesday.
Tuesday we only canoed 6 or 7 miles and got to Edy Lake where we stayed two nights. It was pretty easy. Dad took over the back for good ( i suck at steering but i'm great on the front where all you have to do is keep rowing) We spent the afternoon messing around and swamping canoes, going up waterfalls, and then crapping in them. Ok so i might need to explain that.
I was climbing the waterfall which was spectacular and i hadn't taken a crap for three days and i really had to and i couldn't get to the top or bottom so i took a dump and then washed off in the waterfall. While Alex and Zac were watching. Needless to say, everyone knows and it was the main topic of conversation the rest of the week. All in all. Good Day.
Wednesday we didn't pack up our gear, we just took the canoes and we went. We met the other crews from my troop along the way. We jumped off cliffs. We played battleship. For a detailed explanation of battleship, contact myself on aim or navarcus34 (alex.) its piles of fun. We found a US forest service cabin in the middle of nowhere. And behind it we found the latrine to end all latrines. It was dark, bug-free, and closed in. Normally we were going to the bathroom in a plastic cone out in the open. a paddle was the bathroom door. And then we headed back. We thought the day was over. So we ate and then started to pack so we could get an early start the next day. It turns out Jay left some of his fishing equipment (by the way he caught some tuesday and we had fish and oatmeal for breakfast wednesday morning. It was good.) at the cabin. So Alex and Zac, and Dad and I went out at 9:30 at night to go and retrieve it. It was twilight until about 10:30 and after that it was Dark, Buggy, and Awesome. We found it as soon as we got to the cabin. It was on the shore. We saw the the Northern Lights. It was just a great night. (oh most of the day, it was me and Alex in the canoe.)
Thursday. The day that will live in Infamy. We went like 19 miles. we basically got home almost but it was not smooth. We basically skipped breakfast. Jerry set a monstrous pace into the wind. Alex was getting pissed the entire today. I was duffing (sitting in the middle of the canoe.) in Jerry's canoe and people were falling behind. So i started paddling with Dad and Alex went with Bill and Zach duffed. That kept us pretty together most of the way till lunch. We were killing the portages. All of the ones that hurt us on monday went like cake. We found a nice place to have lunch and we were all famished. We ate and messed around for like an hour. And then without really reaching any semblance of a decision, it ended up that we left and kept going instead of calling it a day. We canoed more and got to the last portage of the week and that went badly. There was a group that was getting shuttled with motorboats on the other side and we couldn't get through so we were stuck carrying the heavy stuff for too long and that made us cranky. We finally got to our final destination and the camp was a piece of crap. The campsites out there are all very primitive but this one just sucked ass. And Alex was angry and he goes, "We should have F**kin stayed at the other campsite." Jokingly, not realizing he was really pissed, I say "Whoah, he's cussin," and then to him, "you're tired." He yells "F**k that excuse!" and points at me. Jerry goes ballistic on him and they have a little shouting match and its pretty awkward but it gets better. Everyone is fine now and we all miss Alex. One of the other crews from my Troop was within spitting distance and so most of our crew went over and stole all but 0ne of their paddles. That pretty much brought the morale back up.
Friday, it was me and alex again. We gave the paddles back and talked like pirates all the way till lunch. We ate, cleaned the campsite and officially got our fifty miler done. (you have to do 10 hours of service too) and went all of 3 miles that day. We had our rendezvous and we showered and we wished it wasn't ending. There was a hugful and almost tearful goodbye to Alex.
Saturday we drove all the way home. We got up at four again. Basically last Saturday backwards.
It was a great trip. Sorry for being so long. Talk to you guys again soon. Adios.
Wait, wait. You did what to that waterfall?
For all intensive purposes Zach Schmidt is equivalent to Andrew (my brother) basically.
Zac Hinds is a jock/hoss who is a pretty cool dude.
Jacob Yarling is the quiet straight man who can do anything
Jay Yarling is his dad.
Jerry Hinds is a military dude and Zac's dad.
Bill Thomas is a slightly challenged 54 year old who came as Schmidt's partner
Alex Duchak was our interpreter and now is just the coolest dude ever.
Also me and my dad went.
First of all, the entire time, it was beautiful. The weather was great and it was just beyond words how beautiful it was. damn.
Ok Saturday, we drove all the way to 45 minutes outside of Ely which is the outfitter town outside of the Boundary Waters. It's like 800 miles to there.
We watched the matrix, we drank energy drinks and Frappucino, we laughed, we listened to cake. It was an all around good time. Did I mention we had to wake up at 4 in the morning???
Ok, Sunday we stopped in Ely to do some shopping and messing around. I got awesome sunglasses. We had brunch at a cool little cafe. We drove to Northern Tier where we played some voyeuger games and I kicked a little ass. I went into outspoken/group activity mode. Jonah and Thomas have seen it. I'm normally in depressed teenager mode except when I do these kind of things. Summer Camp, Triennium, Youthfest, etc. Well Dad was kind of freaked out cuz he doesn't really ever see it. It was pretty cool to get to show that side around him. So we go and meet Alex and we get all set up for the next week. We shake down all our gear. We get our food. You have three grey whale bags with everyone's sleeping bags, the tents, and your clothes. You have two green bags with green plastic tubs inside them. One for food and one for cooking equipment. That makes five bags, four canoes, and nine people (see the pattern?) and one personal bag for Alex that he keeps seperate. The cabin we stayed in that night was like an oven and it was hard to sleep.
Monday we wake up and do our final pack, eat and get in the water. We had to wait until we got Jerry's seat that broke in his canoe (jerry's not a big guy) fixed and so we got a late start. We canoed 16 miles that day. The portages were slow and hard because we hadn't done it before. (portages are where you go from lake to lake and have to carry all your stuff. I carried a grey whale, so did Jacob and Zach. Zac carried the food box (heaviest.) Bill carried the Kettle box (other green bag.) Dad carried an Aluminum canoe. So did Alex, along with his bag. Jerry and Jay carried the Kevlars. (Kevlars are lighter, faster but more susceptible to wind) I was in an Aluminum most of the week. We got lost near the end of that day but we got to where we wanted to, leaving an easy day for tuesday.
Tuesday we only canoed 6 or 7 miles and got to Edy Lake where we stayed two nights. It was pretty easy. Dad took over the back for good ( i suck at steering but i'm great on the front where all you have to do is keep rowing) We spent the afternoon messing around and swamping canoes, going up waterfalls, and then crapping in them. Ok so i might need to explain that.
I was climbing the waterfall which was spectacular and i hadn't taken a crap for three days and i really had to and i couldn't get to the top or bottom so i took a dump and then washed off in the waterfall. While Alex and Zac were watching. Needless to say, everyone knows and it was the main topic of conversation the rest of the week. All in all. Good Day.
Wednesday we didn't pack up our gear, we just took the canoes and we went. We met the other crews from my troop along the way. We jumped off cliffs. We played battleship. For a detailed explanation of battleship, contact myself on aim or navarcus34 (alex.) its piles of fun. We found a US forest service cabin in the middle of nowhere. And behind it we found the latrine to end all latrines. It was dark, bug-free, and closed in. Normally we were going to the bathroom in a plastic cone out in the open. a paddle was the bathroom door. And then we headed back. We thought the day was over. So we ate and then started to pack so we could get an early start the next day. It turns out Jay left some of his fishing equipment (by the way he caught some tuesday and we had fish and oatmeal for breakfast wednesday morning. It was good.) at the cabin. So Alex and Zac, and Dad and I went out at 9:30 at night to go and retrieve it. It was twilight until about 10:30 and after that it was Dark, Buggy, and Awesome. We found it as soon as we got to the cabin. It was on the shore. We saw the the Northern Lights. It was just a great night. (oh most of the day, it was me and Alex in the canoe.)
Thursday. The day that will live in Infamy. We went like 19 miles. we basically got home almost but it was not smooth. We basically skipped breakfast. Jerry set a monstrous pace into the wind. Alex was getting pissed the entire today. I was duffing (sitting in the middle of the canoe.) in Jerry's canoe and people were falling behind. So i started paddling with Dad and Alex went with Bill and Zach duffed. That kept us pretty together most of the way till lunch. We were killing the portages. All of the ones that hurt us on monday went like cake. We found a nice place to have lunch and we were all famished. We ate and messed around for like an hour. And then without really reaching any semblance of a decision, it ended up that we left and kept going instead of calling it a day. We canoed more and got to the last portage of the week and that went badly. There was a group that was getting shuttled with motorboats on the other side and we couldn't get through so we were stuck carrying the heavy stuff for too long and that made us cranky. We finally got to our final destination and the camp was a piece of crap. The campsites out there are all very primitive but this one just sucked ass. And Alex was angry and he goes, "We should have F**kin stayed at the other campsite." Jokingly, not realizing he was really pissed, I say "Whoah, he's cussin," and then to him, "you're tired." He yells "F**k that excuse!" and points at me. Jerry goes ballistic on him and they have a little shouting match and its pretty awkward but it gets better. Everyone is fine now and we all miss Alex. One of the other crews from my Troop was within spitting distance and so most of our crew went over and stole all but 0ne of their paddles. That pretty much brought the morale back up.
Friday, it was me and alex again. We gave the paddles back and talked like pirates all the way till lunch. We ate, cleaned the campsite and officially got our fifty miler done. (you have to do 10 hours of service too) and went all of 3 miles that day. We had our rendezvous and we showered and we wished it wasn't ending. There was a hugful and almost tearful goodbye to Alex.
Saturday we drove all the way home. We got up at four again. Basically last Saturday backwards.
It was a great trip. Sorry for being so long. Talk to you guys again soon. Adios.
Wait, wait. You did what to that waterfall?